It spread through e - mail and internet relay chat ( irc ) servers 它透过电子邮件和网上聊天室伺服器( internetrelaychat - irc )进行散播。
Invisible irc project - iip ( invisible irc project ) is internet relay chat privacy software designed for anonymity and security 是出于匿名性和安全性的需要而开发的在线聊天系统私有软件。
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a protocol for live interactive Internet text messaging (chat) or synchronous conferencing. It is mainly designed for group communication in discussion forums, called channels, but also allows one-to-one communication via private message as well as chat and data transfer, including file sharing.
internet relay chatとは意味:《イ》他のユーザと交わすチャット(おしゃべり)◆IRC 専用サーバを介するチャット。議題(チャネル)を選んでチャットをする。IRC ソフトがユーザ側に必要。IRC サーバは「Relay」形式で互いに接続。(どの IRC サーバにアクセスしても世界中の相手とチャットできる)◆【略】IRC internet relay chat meaning:[Computer] < chat , messaging > (IRC) /I-R-C/, occasionally /*rk/ A client-server chat system of large (often worldwide) networks. IRC is structured as networks of Internet servers , ...internet relay chat artinya:ircinternet relay chat 뜻:IRC 인터넷 릴레이 챗internet relay chat перевод:см. IRC II Internet Relay Chat см. IRC II